Web-Dialogue on Environment
Global Foundation and CHINAR
Youth’s Perspective on India’s Environment
This was the 5th part of the web dialogue series on Environment & Sustainability Issues organized by The Global Foundation and CHINAR (Central Himalayan Institute for Nature and Applied Research).
Mr. Shelly Shaurya was invited to be a part of the panel and share his views on India’s Environment.
He spoke about how businesses can truly help save the climate. He emphasized how we need to create more business models that are pro-environment and create job opportunities for rural and tribal people. Only by involving the masses can you mitigate climate change. We can involve them by providing them with jobs and a substantial income boost through these businesses, and it’s up to us to create models that are not just environment–friendly but also improve the environment.
Citing his model ‘Bamboonomics’ as one such example, he talked about other models that can be developed, such as businesses in Ladakh and other Himalayan regions involving the shrub sea buckthorn. He spoke about the capabilities of sea buckthorn and how it can transform the economic conditions of the people of Ladakh.
Other panel members:
Dr. Ash Pachauri is an acclaimed management professional and development practitioner who has worked with MNCs, INGOs, and Multilateral Organizations, including McKinsey & Company, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UNDP, and CDC.
Ms. Aarushi Tanwar is an environmentalist, climate activist, and avid follower of sustainable living. An environmental blogger, Aarushi has a diverse career experience, having worked on issues such as waste management, air quality, environmental education, and solar energy with a different set of audiences, including – youth, school children & teachers, and residential communities, respectively.
Ms. Meenakshi Sharma is a Socio-Environmental Entrepreneur. She founded Use Me Works in 2011 with the noble belief that ‘Nothing should go to waste’. Use Me Works is an upcycling unit run by a group of enthusiastic and hardworking women to help people choose ecological options. The unit upcycles more than 200 kg of waste every month by turning it into utilities, accessories, decor, and installations.
Dr. Pradeep is an expert on Forestry issues. He has worked on a range of environmental issues as part of his professional stints with INGOs and Bilateral agencies, including Appropriate Technology Asia, Earthwatch, Clean Air Asia, and GIZ, to name a few. He has worked extensively in the Indian Himalaya Region over the years, undertaking collaborative research on biodiversity and ecosystem services and development projects at the community level.
Dr. Pranab Patar is an environment and sustainability professional with two decades of experience in the non-profit sector. He has worked with leading national and international organizations, including Earthwatch, TERI, GIZ, and WTI. He currently heads a Delhi-based Indo-American initiative, the Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness.
You can visit the facebook page of CHINAR to see the recorded version of the talk.