In a distinguished gathering of literary enthusiasts, authors Shelly Shaurya and Sanjay Kumar Srivastava took centre stage. The occasion was marked by insightful discussions on their respective works, with Mr. Shelly Shaurya presenting “Green Line” and “The Silk Saga,” while Mr. Sanjay Kumar Srivastava delved into his co-authored book “The Silk Saga” and his upcoming non-fiction release “The Shifting Cultivation.”
Shelly Shaurya, an accomplished author, enraptured the audience with his compelling narratives and profound insights. Through his books “Green Line” and “Silk Saga,” he explored thought-provoking themes, delving into the complexities of framing public policies and the intricate dynamics of the bamboo and silk industry in India.
Following Shaurya’s engaging session, Sanjay Kumar Srivastava took the stage, discussing the collaborative effort behind “The Silk Saga.” He offered a glimpse into the rich history of the Silk Route and the trade through it. Additionally, he unveiled his forthcoming non-fiction work, “The Shifting Cultivation,” enticing the audience with a preview of the book.
The event garnered attention from the media, which recognized its significance. Newspapers and online platforms highlighted the profound impact of the authors’ nonfiction works, emphasizing the intellectual discourse that unfolded throughout the event.
Distinguished guests, including bureaucrats, industry professionals, and friends of the authors, were in attendance. The gathering contributed to the event’s grandeur, fostering stimulating conversations and enriching exchanges on the power of literature to inspire change, shape perspectives, and evoke imagination.
In summary, the book event featuring Shelly Shaurya and Sanjay Kumar Srivastava concluded with a palpable sense of fulfilment and inspiration. Attendees departed with a renewed appreciation for the potential bamboo and silk industry in India.