Green Line: The Renaissance Through Bamboonomics

Green Line is a demarcation line between the two hostile communities. Historically the green line was between the Greek and Turkish Cypriots. In today’s context, the author, Shelly Shaurya, uses it as a demarcation line between the corporate sector, in general, on one side and the ecologists vouching for the green economy on the other side.

India is ready for the ‘Bamboonomics Renaissance’ while corporates on the other side of the ‘Green Line’ are watching.

India and China are on an undeclared bamboo trade war with China capturing the Indian agarbatti (incense stick). The book ‘Green Line’ explains the Chinese suzerainty over the Indian bamboo trade and why India lags behind China in this sector despite having the world’s second-largest bamboo stock. It talks about bamboo sector industrialization in India and shows various ways to overcome the issues. It suggests the required policy changes in the framework, offers products that need to be produced and gives a programme for action. Very candidly, he exposes the glaring gaps in Indian planning.

The book talks about Shelly’s research in bamboo fibre and bamboo silk and its socio-economic impact on India’s existing cocoon silk industry. It also suggests start-up ideas to entrepreneurs for the bamboo sector and strategies for generating substantial green money.

He has written about his experiences of visiting various places across India and Spain in the quest of his research in the bamboo sector, and his experiences of giving talks on ‘Bamboonomics’ at the United Nations conferences and various other fora.

Green Line

The Renaissance Through Bamboonomics




The Silk Saga