The Elephant Corridors: Lifelines of the Wild
This book is not for simple, relaxed reading.
Please read it passionately, and imagine a scenario where the world’s smallest elephants are slowly losing their lives. Humans have killed 86% of them, destroyed 95% of their habitat, and almost wiped them off the surface of the Earth. In no time, they become critically endangered from a status of abundance. The massacre of African elephants is the most bloody in the world. Humans, as a swift and cruel killing machine, have killed elephants both legally and illegally at a rate of one elephant every 20 minutes over the last five decades!
I’m here to do my bit to save them. As a retired IFS (Indian Forest Service) officer, I was enjoying my retirement by writing books, teaching the needy, and writing poems until this offer came. I always wanted to work in Africa, but Nigeria was not very attractive. Yet I decided to take the plunge and take up the job. But today, it has become more than a job. It has become my life’s mission.
The Elephant Corridors
Lifelines of the Wild