Provide Local Solutions to Global Problems
Our Mission
Supporting the struggle
Providing opportunities
Initiating a change
About Us
Our aim is to research relevant issues and provide local solutions to global problems by using local resources differently, introducing effective technologies, and following prudent marketing strategies without compromising the entrepreneurial income of the poor in the name of green eco-development. We strive to take up causes of social concern, work in the most effective manner, and introduce a model that is self-sustaining and doesn’t require constant checks.
UNCCD COP 14: Lauch of Bamboonomics
UNFCCC COP 25: Spain
Bamboonomics Book Launch
“An investigative book by Shelly Shaurya. It is a very absorbing book that exposes the Chinese gambit of bamboo. A must for policy makers!”
—Sanjay Kr. Srivastava, IFS
“Bamboonomics by Shelly Shaurya is a well-researched book on the inherent economic potential of the bamboo sector in our country. It provides an analysis of the plight of people due to loss of bamboo trade!”
—Niranjan K. Singh, IFS
“Got Bamboonomics delivered from Amazon. Just opened it - impressive!”
—A.J. Kurian, IFS